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“Life doesn’t just happen to you it happens for you to learn grow help and heal”

- Twanda Clark 

I remember lying in bed asking God Why me? What did I do to deserve a life of Poverty? A life where my parents were struggling with their mental well-being.  My father a Vietnam vet suffered immensely as a result of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.  Eventually he would die never recovering from the pain of his emotional illness. 


My mother battling her own illness with no real education from mental health professionals as to what was going on.  I couldn’t help but to wonder why life was so hopeless?  It didn’t help that I was bullied in school and somehow wanted to fade away.  To be quite honest I’m not sure that I felt my life was worth living. 


One day a Pastor where I attended church suggested I read Napolean Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, I did, and it changed my life. 


I graduated from College with a degree in Communication and began to study and perfect the art of Speaking. An Award- Winning speaker who has also become a World Class Speaking Coach.  The process of Public Speaking has allowed me to touch the lives of many. 


LIGHT SOCIAL Change Agents launched with the first play the “Break Down”. This play birthed out of my own story of living with a parent on a journey to being Mentally well.  Since the Launch of the Company, we have served many in support of mental well-being, Finding their voice through effective Communication, and our innovative training Services. We have helped organizations change the FACE of who they are with are FAMILY AGENCY AND CHILD EDUCATION. 

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